Product Life Span of Webbing Goods Manufactured by Abtech Safety Ltd

Abtech Safety Ltd manufacture all products to the highest quality assurance of ISO:9001. We give all our products a life span of 10 years.

Due to the ingress of dirt and grit, chemical contamination, edge and surface damage, ultraviolet light degradation, and wear and tear, Fall Protection Equipment manufactured from synthetic fibres (webbing and/or rope) is subject to a manufacturers statement of obsolescence, which is a requirement of BS EN 365:2004 a European Product Standard.

Any item of Fall Protection Equipment manufactured by Abtech safety Ltd with synthetic fibre components (webbing and/or rope) is subject to maximum life span of 10 years from date of manufacture, provided that the item has been correctly stored, maintained and subjected to regular recorded inspections by a trained and competent person. However, if the item fails any inspection, it MUST immediately be withdrawn from service and destroyed.

Products in use, should be checked before every use by a competent person and logged in the Product Record Card, supplied with each product. For products that are maintained in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations, the maximum lifespan of the product should be 10 years. For products exposed to harsh environments or heavy use the life span may be reduced. This is the responsibility of the competent person inspecting the product to notice, log and withdraw the product from use.